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We offer a number of actions to ensure that more and more people have information on adoption-related topics such as the relationship between the adopter and the adopted person, caring parenting, psychological assistance to people related to adoption. We also wish to provide information to pregnant women and expectant mothers who plan to give their child(ren) for adoption in order to give further thought to their decision and possible alternatives.

We organize thematic workshops, various events and conferences that aim to create a peaceful atmosphere around the topic of relationships in the context of child adoption. Adoptive parents relationships are the most frequently mentioned, but we will also talk about:

  •     Relationships between orphan-born between themselves and the society

  •     Adopted adults or those who did not have an adoptive family and emotional consequences

  •     Mothers in distress who plan to give their child(ren) for adoption

Are invited to all these events, people who feel linked to adoption context and who are members of the voluntary organization.

Each of our lives is important and living it fully is our greatest goal.

Young and teenage orphans

Adoptive parents

Centers for orphaned children

Orphan-born adults

Mothers in distress who plan to give their child(ren) for adoption

Any person feeling bound by with the adoption process

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